Currently the government is intensively trying to boost research results to be published at the global (international) level. Published research results are a very important state asset because the level of civilization of a country can be seen from the number of publications produced. So it can’t be denied, now every country is fighting for each other to get the highest ranking in international publications. Based on this, to increase the number of publications, the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture built a Science and Technology Index named SINTA.

SINTA (Science and Technology Index) is a portal containing the measurement of the performance of Science and Technology which includes, among others, the performance of researchers, writers, authors, journal performance and the performance of science and technology institutions. SINTA is different from existing indexing tools, such as Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Indonesia Science and Technology Index (InaSTI) and Indonesian Publication Index (IPI). Sinta has led to global (International) indexing portals such as Scopus which already has more complete features because it is equipped with several features such as: Citation, Networking, Research and Score.

The S-1 Study Program of Fishery Products Technology (PS THP) at Diponegoro University has been ranked 2nd in the SINTA version in the last 3 years among similar Study Programs ( Based on data from PD DIKTI, 29 S-1 Study Programs on Fishery Products Technology in Indonesia. This is proof that the productivity of the publications of PS THP lecturers at Diponegoro University should be proud and maintained. Hopefully this achievement can be a whip for the progress of PS THP Undip in the future.

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