Tepat pada hari Senin, 23 Mei 2022, Ima Wijayanti berhasil dalam mempertahankan hasil penelitian di Prince of Songkhla University. Di hadapan 8 penguji, Ima wijayanti menjelaskan Disertasi dengan judul “Bio-calcium from Asian Sea Bass (Lates calcarifer) Backbone: Characteristics and Its Food Fortification” dengan lancar dan lugas. Alhamdulillah, jerih payah dalam menyelesaikan S-3 selama 3 tahun terbayar dengan sukses dan tuntas. Selama menempuh pendidikan Doktoral di Program Studi Food Science and Technology, Fakultas Agro-Industry telah menghasilkan 7 artikel terindek Scopus yang telah publish (3 artikel Q1, 2 artikel Q2, 2 artikel Q3) serta 2 artikel terindeks scopus masih proses review.
Berikut adalah 7 artikel tersebut:
- Wijayanti, I., Benjakul, S. and Sookchoo, P. 2021. Effect of high-pressure heating on physical and chemical characteristics of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) backbone. J. Food Sci. Technol. 58(8): 3120-3129. Terindek Scopus Q2
- Wijayanti, I., Benjakul, S. and Sookchoo, P. 2021b. Preheat-treatment and bleaching agents affect characteristics of bio-calcium from Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) backbone. Waste Biomass Valori. 12(6): 3371–3382. Terindek Scopus Q2
- Wijayanti, I., Sookchoo, P., Prodpran, T., Mohan, C. O., Aluko, R. E. and Benjakul, S. 2021. Physical and chemical characteristics of Asian sea bass bio‐calcium powders as affected by ultrasonication treatment and drying method. J. Food Biochem. 45(4): p.e13652. Terindek Scopus Q3
- Wijayanti, I., Singh, A., Benjakul, S. and Sookchoo, P. 2021c. Textural, sensory, and chemical characteristic of threadfin bream (Nemipterus sp.) surimi gel fortified with bio-calcium from bone of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer). Foods. 10(5): 976. Terindek Scopus Q1
- Wijayanti, I., Singh, A., Prodpran, T., Sookchoo, P. and Benjakul, S. 2021. Effect of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) bio-calcium in combination with different calcium salts on gel properties of threadfin bream surimi. J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. 30 (9): 1173-1188. Terindek Scopus Q3
- Wijayanti, I., Benjakul, S., Chantakun, K., Prodpran, T. and Sookchoo, P. 2022. Effect of Asian sea bass bio‐calcium on textural, rheological, sensorial properties and nutritive value of Indian mackerel fish spread at different levels of potato starch. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 57: 3181–3195. Terindek Scopus Q1
- Wijayanti, I., Benjakul, S., Saetang, J., Prodpran, T. and Sookchoo, P. 2022. Solubility and bioavailability of Asian sea bass bio-calcium by organic acids and its fortification into apple juice. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. Terindek Scopus Q1
- Wijayanti, I., Prodpran, T., Sookchoo, P., Nirmal, N., Zhang, B., Balange, A. and Benjakul, S. 2022. Textural, rheological and sensorial properties of mayonnaise fortified with Asian sea bass bio-calcium. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. (Submitted/under review)
- Wijayanti, I., Benjakul, S., Saetang, J., Prodpran, T. and Sookchoo, P. 2022. Soluble bio-calcium from Asian sea bass bone prepared with organic acids: solubility and physiochemical characteristics. Indian J. Nat. Prod. Resour. (Submitted/ Under review)
Ima Wijayanti merupakan salah satu dosen Program Studi S-1 Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Universitas Diponegoro. Semoga prestasi dan ilmu yang didapatkan dapat membawa kemajuan Program Studi, Universitas, Bangsa dan Negara. Aamiin.