Semarang, 22 November 2023, In an effort to continue to improve the quality and standards of education, the Fisheries Product Technology (THP) Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University held a webinar entitled “Visiting Professor Program World Class University, Diponegoro University Establishing International Collaboration.” The event, which was held virtually via the Zoom meeting platform, was carried out with great enthusiasm and was attended by a number of academic stakeholders.
Dr. Putut Har Riyadi, as Head of the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, guided the webinar with professionalism as a moderator. He opened the event by conveying the main objective of this activity, namely expanding international cooperation and bringing in leading thinkers and researchers in the field of Fisheries Product Technology.
As the main speaker, Dr. Sastia Prama Putri, Chairman of I-4 (International Association of Indonesian Scientists), provided in-depth insight into the importance of international cooperation in the development of science, especially in the field of Fishery Product Technology. With extensive experience and network, Dr. Sastia Prama Putri shared her perspective on how international collaboration can improve the quality of research and teaching.
Prof. Dr. Sc. Anindya Wirasatriya, a Professor at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Oceanography Study Program, Diponegoro University, participated as a speaker at the event. He discussed the role of Oceanography in supporting the sustainability of fisheries resources as well as the potential for collaboration with foreign institutions and researchers.
Webinar participants, consisting of Diponegoro University lecturers and students, actively participated in the question and answer session which was carefully guided by Dr. Putut Har Riyadi. The ongoing discussion provided space for the exchange of ideas and in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities in international collaboration in the field of Fishery Product Technology.
This activity reflects Diponegoro University’s commitment to embracing its vision as a World Class University, and emphasizes the important role of the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program in building a global cooperation network. It is hoped that this webinar will be a significant first step towards improving the quality of education and research in the field of Fisheries Product Technology at Diponegoro University.