Dr. Ulfah Amalia, one of the teaching staff from the Department of Fisheries Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, has been awarded as one of the best alumni of the Gradate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University by getting the John Cutter Award. The John cutter awards are given to alumni of the Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences who have outstanding achievements during their graduate school Doctoral program studies. Dr. Ulfah Amalia has succeeded in researching the allergen potential in shrimp paste products and has succeeded in modifying the processing to reduce the allergens in shrimp paste. The results of this research have received international recognition at the EAFTA conference which will be held in a hybrid manner in China in 2021. The results of this research have also been published in the Journal of Food Chemistry (IF 9.231) which is category Q1. While studying Dr. Amalia also joins the Japanese Fisheries Association/JSFS (The Japanese Society of Fisheries Sciences). After returning to Indonesia, Dr. Amalia wants to devote herself to the Department of Fisheries Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University to develop education about food allergies, especially fishery products. Amen.