Department of Fisheries Product Technology

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

Universitas Diponegoro | The Excellent Research University


Diponegoro University is 1 of 10 universities among 4,700 tertiary institutions in Indonesia that are included in the World Class University Ranks. For this reason, Undip continues to improve the quality of class education supported by competent and professional teachers.




Check out the FPIK Undip information here

Research & Dedication

Devotion of Fishery Products Technology Lecturers to the Kendal Shrimp Shrimp Processing Community ​

Semarang, 15 November 2023 – A team of lecturers from the Fisheries Product Technology Study...

Fisheries Product Technology Student Collaboration Creates “Disaster Resilience” by Planting Mangroves in Tambakrejo Village

Semarang, 08 October 2023 - The Fisheries Products Technology Student Association (HIMATEKPI) and...


UNDIP Launches SIPADI: Easier Monitoring of Student Academic Activities

Semarang, February 10, 2025 – Diponegoro University (UNDIP) continues to innovate in enhancing...

Retirement of Fisheries Product Technology Lecturer

Semarang, December 4, 2024 – Ir. Sumardianto, PG.Dipl., M.Gz officially concluded his tenure as a...

Public Discussion with the Minister of P2MI: Opportunities and Challenges of Working Abroad

Semarang, November 16, 2024 – The Minister of Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection (P2MI), Abdul...

UMKM in Salatiga Supported Through Packaging Education to Enhance Product Competitiveness

Salatiga, November 13, 2024 – In an effort to improve the quality and competitiveness of Micro,...

Fisheries Product Technology Lecturers Conduct Community Service at UD Putri Laut in Semarang

Semarang, November 13, 2024 – A team of lecturers from the Fisheries Product Technology Program,...

Check our annual sustainability report at Undip’s SDGs Center

Testimonial Alumni :

Ardiansah Ahmad Palani

Sales Area Manager for Kalimantan region – PT Sinta Prima Feedmill

“I was the first graduate from the UNDIP Fisheries Product Technology Study Program in 2006. The knowledge and experience I gained during college were really very helpful in my work. I am determined that the knowledge that I have gained so far, I will give it to fishery actors, especially fish farmers, for the sake of advanced Indonesian fisheries and can overcome all fishery problems in Indonesia”

Lativa Lisya Maghfira, S.Pi, M.Sc

Partnership Executive – eFishery

“Lecture on Fishery Products Technology Study Program (class of 2011) made me want to learn more about food and fisheries technology. Also, there are many activities and opportunities that you can participate in while you are a student. Thanks to this provision and support, I was able to get a master’s scholarship at the University of Debrecen, Hungary and pursue a career in fisheries.”

Herda Bolly

The Friesland Campina Innovation Centre in Wageningen, Netherlands

“When I was at UNDIP Fishery Products Technology, I not only studied fishery product processing, but also food science and technology in general. Now it is my provision to continue my master’s degree at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. It even led me to a career in food companies in the Netherlands and trusted to be the Development Manager at the Friesland Campina Company which focuses on research and product innovation”

Robbi Maulana Rosadi

Quality Control Manager, PT Philips Seafood Indonesia

“A lot of my knowledge and experience while studying at Fishery Products Technology UNDIP has supported my career. The knowledge that I get is very in line with my current job. Considering the potential for fisheries in Indonesia is still very wide and product innovation is needed to develop it”

Hardian Sy. Prayitno

Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Lampung

“I got many benefits from Fishery Products Technology UNDIP, including that I immediately became a Fishery Product Quality Instructor in Lampung Province because I have a HACCP certificate. In addition, I also have a Vaname Shrimp pond business. my career and business”



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