Pekalongan, July 26, 2024 – Students from the 2024 KKN Team II of Diponegoro University conducted an outreach program on identifying fresh and high-protein fish suitable for consumption. The event took place at a local resident’s home in Pajomblangan Village and aimed to raise awareness among the community about the importance of consuming fresh and protein-rich fish. The activity was attended by 40 members of the Fatayat women’s group.

The program sought to educate the community on the benefits of fresh and high-protein fish. It began with a regular Fatayat recitation session, followed by an introduction of the students responsible for the monodisciplinary program. The training on identifying fresh and high-protein fish was led by Azahra Razidha Hardianty, a student from UNDIP’s Fisheries Product Technology program. Using informative leaflets, Azahra explained the characteristics of fresh fish, such as bulging and shiny eyes, pink gills, clear mucus, and firm flesh. She also highlighted high-protein fish like anchovies, tilapia, and catfish, which are excellent for consumption.

Throughout the session, Azahra emphasized the importance of selecting fresh and nutritious fish to support a healthy diet. Participants were engaged and enthusiastic, actively participating in the discussion and sharing additional insights. The outreach program successfully provided valuable information to the attendees, equipping them with the knowledge to choose fresh and protein-rich fish. The participants expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn and exchange ideas. It is hoped that this initiative will contribute to healthier eating habits and improved well-being for the residents of Pajomblangan Village.

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