Become a superior study program to produce capable human resources in the fields of handling, processing, quality assurance and safety of fishery products as well as managerial marketing of fishery products in 2027.
The Fishery Product Technology Study Program organizes higher education in educational activities, research, community service, cooperation in the field of superior and competitive fishery and marine product technology.
The general educational objective of the Fishery Products Technology Study Program is to produce graduates who have Complete abilities (Communicator, Professional, Leadership, Entrepreneur, Thinker, Educator), namely competent and professional graduates, and possess interpersonal skills (as communicator, capable of acting as a leader) and entrepreneurial spirit so that they can develop and apply science and technology. A graduate of the Fishery Product Technology Study Program is also a person who is devoted to God Almighty, ethical and in accordance with the nation’s personality.
- Mastering and able to apply the principles of fishery product technology (handling, processing, developing product diversification based on local commodities, zero waste of quality and safe fishery waste).
- Able to utilize facilities and infrastructure to apply fishery product technology (handling, processing, developing product diversification based on local commodities, zero waste of quality and safe fishery waste) in meeting the needs of the community in accordance with the demands of national development and free market competition.
- Skilled in testing the quality of fishery product technology (handling, processing, development of product diversification based on local commodities and fishery waste) on a traditional and modern scale.
- As the main pillar of community empowerment through entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) based on fishery product technology.
- Able to carry out curriculum and syllabus based on scientific competencies that produce graduate quality standards according to the needs of stakeholders.
- Become a functionally related part in solving the problems faced by the community to succeed in national development and pioneer a better future (link and match).
- Able to design and implement the process of handling, processing, quality assurance and food safety of fishery products in an integrated manner in the concept of zero waste. (skill aspect).
- Able to plan, organize, implement, control and perfect processes in the fishery product processing industry in a sustainable manner (managerial aspects)
- Able to adapt his hard skills and soft skills in other professional fields. (Flexibility/ADAPTATION)